The optimal matching for Finocchiona is Tuscan bread: an “insipid” bread with almost no salt, because the rapidity of the dripping is enough to balance the low salt content. If you visit Florence ask for Finocchiona PGI with “schiacciata”, if you are in Siena, ask for a “ciaccino” filled with Finocchiona, either on its own or with a slice of semi-ripened Tuscan Pecorino cheese. In Tuscany Finocchiona PGI is served on wood plates with other cold cuts and cheese, possibly with marinated or pickled vegetables. We recommend to accompany Finocchiona with a glass of wine, and even better if the wine is Tuscan too: red Chianti wines, as all the wines of this region, are a perfect complement to this salami. Finocchiona can also be a valid ingredient to prepare first and meat courses. Use your imagination and you will be rewarded.
Experimenting with Finocchiona
Finocchiona PGI has an unexpressed potential that few people know. However, both professional and amateur chefs alike know how to interpret this food to create unrivalled first and second courses. All over the world, the use of traditional ingredients paves the way for dishes based on a creativity that only real gourmets can recognise and prize. Why should we renounce to tortelli di patate with a Finocchiona PGI sauce or to good and simple home-made tagliolini with Finocchiona PGI and artichoke cream? The menu may list also creative combinations like lettuce with Finocchiona PGI, Pecorino Toscano DOP, marinated artichoke and orange or minced Finocchiona PGI with figs, served on roasted bread seasoned with Tuscan oil, salt and pepper. The proof is in the eating.
Battuta di Finocchiona IGP, sfoglie di fegato di cinghiale, fichi cotti e crudi
Ricetta di Sonia Visman e Pietro Cacciatori – Chef del ristorante “Albergaccio di Castellina” a Castellina in Chianti. Ingredienti Finocchiona IGP, fegato di maiale, fichi dottati, pane toscano, vino rosso, olio extravergine d’oliva, Vin Santo, Marsala, salvia. Procedimento Tagliare una parte di fichi in quattro, rosolare una noce di burro in una padella aggiungere i […]
Ravioli ripieni di ragù di Finocchiona IGP su fonduta di Pecorino Toscano DOP
Ricetta di Sonia Visman e Pietro Cacciatori – Chef del ristorante “Albergaccio di Castellina” a Castellina in Chianti. Ingredienti Finocchiona IGP, sedano, carota, cipolla, prezzemolo, vino rosso, uova, farina “00”, besciamella, Pecorino Toscano DOP, olio extravergine di oliva, sale, pepe. Procedimento Fare un ragù classico rosolando prima sedano, carota e cipolla, poi dopo aggiungendo la […]