Creative salad

Creative salad


  • Lettuce
  • PGI Finocchiona cut into thick slices
  • PDO Tuscan Pecorino
  • Fennel flowers
  • PGI Tuscan Extra Virgin Olive Oil and salt as needed


Take a large plate, place the most crunchy lettuce leaves on it and add some PDO Percorino cubes and PDO Tuscan Bread. Complete the recipe by putting on top of salad four medium thickness strips of Finocchiona, and dress at will with fennel flowers, PGI Tuscan Extra Virgin Olive Oil and a pinch of salt.


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Fanciful salad

Fanciful Salad


  • Mixed salad with mâche and ‘first cut’ misticanza (Mixed salad leaves)
  • Fresh spinach,
  • Red Radicchio
  • Radish
  • PGI Finocchiona cut into thick slices
  • PDO Tuscan Pecorino
  • Carrots in strips
  • Strawberries
  • PGI Tuscan Extra Virgin Olive Oil and salt as needed.



Take some mixed salad, with mâche and ‘first cut’ misticanza, add fresh spinach, red radicchio and radishes, carrots in strips, strawberries, PDO Tuscan Pecorino in cubes and PGI Finocchiona. Decorate with edible flowers and dress with a small amount of PGI Tuscan Extra Virgin Olive Oil and a pinch of salt

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Try also these recipes

Tasty salad

Tasty salad

Are you looking for a tasty and fresh idea for your lunch? Try our salad with PGI Finocchiona.

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • PGI Finocchiona: 100 gr
  • Lettuce: 350 gr
  • Rucola (rocket salad): 100 gr
  • Green apple: 1
  • Orange: 1
  • A few chive leaves
  • PGI Tuscan Extra Virgin Olive Oil: as needed
  • Salt and pepper: as needed


Wash and dry the lettuce and rucola. Cut the lettuce in strips and place it in a bowl with rucola. Add 100gr of PGI Finocchiona cut into thin slices and then in strips and add it to salads. Wash and cut the green apple and orange in rings, and put them in a bowl. Cut chives and parsley in small pieces and then season with PGI Tuscan Extra Virgin Olive Oil, salt and pepper.


Try also these recipes

Spring salad

Spring salad

Thinking about spring its atmosphere makes you think about something fresh and light. This salad will let you feel the same way. Give a try to our Valerian salad with PGI Finocchiona, POD Tuscan Pecorino and pods.

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • PGI Finocchiona: 100 gr
  • Valerian: 400 gr
  • PDO Tuscan Pecorino: 80 gr
  • Fava pods: 150 gr
  • PGI Tuscan Extra Virgin Olive Oil: as needed
  • Sala and pepper as needed


Wash and dry the valerian salad, place it on a plate. Season with oil, salt and pepper, mix it properly. Place the thin slices of PGI Finocchiona on top: you can cut them into strips, if desired. Sprinkle some cubes of PDO Tuscan Pecorino. Shell fava beans to obtain pods, season them with oil, salt and pepper in a bowl and add them to the dish together with the other ingredients. Mix them and add some oil and salt if necessary.


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